Domestic Crime/Violence
Domestic crime/violence is any act against someone, especially to women, which results in physical, sexual, psychological suffering or suffering and / or neglecting the household, including threats to commit acts, coercion, or illegal deprivation of liberty within the scope of the household. (Article 1 of Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 23 Tahun 2004 tentang Penghapusan Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga/Law of Republic Indonesia Number 23 Year 2004 regarding the Eradication of Domestic Violence).
Article 2 (1) The scope of household in this Law includes:
- husband, wife and children;
- people who have family relations with the person as referred to in letter a due to blood relations, marriage, breastfeeding, care and guardianship, who live in the household; and / or
- the person who works helps in the household and lives in the household.
Article 1 number 4: Protection is any effort aimed at providing a sense of security to the victim by the family, advocates, social institutions, the police, prosecutors, courts, or other parties either temporarily or based on court stipulation.
Article 5 Everyone is prohibited from committing domestic crime against people within the scope of their household by:
- physical violence;
- psychic violence;
- sexual violence; or
- neglecting the household.
Article 6 Physical violence as referred to in Article 5 letter a is an act that causes pain, fall to ill or seriously injured.
Article 7 Psychic violence as referred to in Article 5 letter b is an act that causes fear, loss of self-confidence, loss of ability to act, feeling of helplessness, and / or severe psychological suffering in a person.
Article 8 Sexual violence as referred to in Article 5 letter c includes:
- forcing sexual intercourse carried out on a person who lives within the scope of the household;
- forcing sexual intercourse to one person within the scope of his household with another person for commercial and / or specific purposes.
Article 9 (1) Every person is prohibited from neglecting people within the scope of his household, whereas according to the law that applies to him or because of an approval or agreement he is obliged to provide life, nursing or maintenance to that person. (2) Abandonment as referred to in paragraph (1) shall also apply to any person who causes economic dependence by limiting and / or prohibiting proper work in or outside the home so that the victim is under the control of that person.
To find out more about this, consult your problem with us.
Dharma Na Gara
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