Dactyloscopy origin from the Greek words daktulos, which means finger and skopioo, which means observing. So it literally means observing fingerprints.
The importance of fingerprints has been known to people for centuries. Found in Babylon a finger-stamped clay coin. In China also known as clay like that, during the Tang dynasty known trade contacts with fingerprints (thumbprint) (618-907). But fingerprints since centuries ago have not been used for practical purposes.
Professor Marcello Malpighi, an Italian anatomist in 1686 wrote about the edges of fingerprints. It shows the ability to draw straight lines and spirals at the edges of the fingers. But this knowledge was not developed further. His contemporaries, Dr. Nehemiah Grew with his book The Description and Use of the Pores in the Skin of the Hands and Feel, London, 1684, followed by G. Bidloo of the Netherlands in 1685, Christion J.H. Hintze of Germany in 1707 and Bernard S. Albinus of Germany in 1764.
In 1880 Sir Francis Galtom, a British anthropologist who is often called the founder of dactyloscopy, introduced the first scientific method of classifying fingerprint forms.
In 1882, the first official fingerprint record was made in the United States, when Gilber Thompsom wrote his order with his own fingerprint to avoid forgery.
Fingerprints are classified into 3 major groups, namely group L (from the word Loops, meaning hooks, and W from the word Whorls, meaning round). Group L is further divided into three groups, namely hooks, bow and pole bow. While the W group is divided into 5 more groups, namely circles, side pockets, twin hooks, inner pockets and extraordinary pictures, the third group is Arches (meaning: arches) which are further divided into flat (plai) and looks a like tent (tented).
For more information, please consult your problem with us.
Dr. Andi Hamzah, S.H., 1986, Pengusutan Perkara Kriminal Melalui Sarana Teknik dan Sarana Hukum, Ghalia Indonesia, Jakarta.

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