Definition of Civil Law:
- Prof. Subekti, S.H., Civil Law in a broad definition includes all “private material” laws, namely all the Basic Laws regulating individual interests.
- Prof. Soediman Kartohadiprodjo, S.H., Civil Law (material) are all legal principles that determine and regulate civil rights and obligations.
- Prof. Dr. Sudikno Mertokusumo, S.H., Civil Law is an interpersonal law that regulates the rights and obligations of one individual to another in family relationships and in social interactions.
- Prof. Dr. R. Wirjono Prodjodikoro, S.H., Civil Law is a series of laws between persons or legal entities regarding rights and obligations.
- H.F.A Vollmar, civil law is rules or norms that provide restrictions and therefore provide protection for individual interests in an appropriate comparison between the interests of one person and another of people in a particular society (Netherlands) especially those concerning family relations and traffic relations. Civil law is also called private law.
- Ronald G. Salawane, Civil Law is a set of rules that regulate one person or legal entity with another person or legal entity in the community that focuses on individual interests and provides harsh sanctions for violations committed as stipulated in the Civil Code.
Civil law in a narrow definition covers all the regulations contained in the Indonesian Civil Code, namely: personal law, property law, family law, inheritance law, contract law and verification law and expiration.
Civil law in a broad definition includes all regulations contained in the Indonesian Civil Code, Commercial Law and other additional statutory regulations (such as agrarian law, customary law, labor law, etc).
Therefore, it can be concluded that this civil law can be in written form, as contained and regulated in the Indonesian Civil Code (Burgerlijk Wetboek) and Commercial Law (Wetboek van Koophandel), as well as other statutory regulations, and can also be unwritten, such as customary law.
Our Practice on Civil Cases:
- Divorce and Sharing of Joint Assets;
- Child Custody and Children Basic Rights;
- Changing or Affirmation of Name/Identity;
- Buying or Renting Land/Building and secure it with agreement;
- Mediation;
- Sue for Breach of Contract/Default;
- Sue for an Act against the Law/Tort;
- Balinese Customary Law;
- Inheritance Law;
- Legal/Contract Drafting;
- Corporate Law;
- Intellectual Property Rights;
- Land Disputes/Disputes of Purchased Land by Borrowing Local Name;
- Prenuptial Agreement/Post Marital Agreement;
- Dispute with the Local Person/People/Neighbor;
- Costumer Protection Law;
- Personal Injury Law/Traffic Accident;
- Insurance Disputes;
- Fiduciary;
- Mortgage;
- etc.
Civil Law focusing on the formal verification, it’s far different than the verification system in Criminal Law, if you had difficulties with those mentioned field above or regarding of other Civil Law problems and you have written/authentic/recorded evidences and witnesses, pause and don’t act recklessly, schedule a consultation with us by WhatsApp or Email.